Innovate 4 Nature

We are delighted to announce the creation of the association «Innovate 4 Nature» of which In-Finitude is a founding member.

«Innovate 4 Nature» is the marketplace that searches and selects nature-based solutions to promote them and provide funding for their upscaling.

NbS are essential as they protect, sustainably manage, and restore natural ecosystems. As such, they contribute significantly to the foundations of life – such as food security, health, resource availability - of the society and the economy.

Are you a start-up or an established company with products or services which meet the standard criteria and requires funding? Are you an investor intending to support projects with a positive impact on nature?

To participate in our project, start by getting all the information under the following link: 


The first SwissBiz4Nature company that has committed to applying the SFN (nature-based solutions) approach - protecting, managing and restoring nature - in its activities is Holcim (Schweiz) AG.

The participation of this renowned company in our initiative is a great pleasure and the beginning of a common vision to engage companies strongly in the preservation of biodiversity.

Founded in late 2020 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), engageability and IN-FINITUDE AG, SwissBiz4Nature is committed, by 2030, to demonstrate tangible, scientific-based and measurable NbS actions in Switzerland, which can be replicated around the world.  The companies will use the IUCN Global Standard for NbS™ to design and benchmark their progress.

Press release

The first Japanese beetles (classified as quarantine pests by the federal government) were caught in Ticino in 2017 and damage caused by them was recorded as early as 2020. Thanks to Agroscope's interactive Pollenn® map, the population of Ticino can now easily inform the responsible authorities about the presence of the dangerous pests. In this way, the further spread can be closely monitored.

Agroscope and Pollenn have worked closely together to develop new and innovative tools to easily register and manage field observations.

Discover the map

Easy recording and management of field observations

Pollenn® offers everything you need to involve everyone in your environmental projects. The personalized card makes it easy for anyone to collect observations in real time. The card helps you to implement your sustainable development measures.

Discover the new map

IN-FINITUDE was elected to join the SEIF Impact Academy program. This gave decisive momentum to the development of IN-FINITUDE’s «Pollenn» project. The program supports various companies in the fields of social and environmental entrepreneurship. Being part of it underlines that IN-FINITUDE is considered a serious player in the movement.  It also means that it gets support in the developing of its competitive edge (USP) and thus enabled to acquire new partners and investments.

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